A Wee Piobaireachd jig: Th’ Letting Gang Ay Ye Sang

Th’ Letting Gang Ay Ye Sang*

The Letting Go of You Song*
(a wee Piobaireachd jig)

Bridges ur meant tae be crossed Ah ken,
Send a postcard, will ye hen?
I’m singin’ a travelin’ sang fur ye,
There’s naethin’ left fur ye haur.

Shared moments ur jist ‘at ye see
Ain naethin’ mair they brin’,
Ain travelin’ angels ken th’ truth
As they donner wi’ us they sin’,

Fiddley Oh, fiddley oh, fiddley dee I oh
Peace be untae ye they sin’
Fiddley day I oh
Fiddley Oh, fiddley oh, fiddley dee I oh
Peace be untae ye I sin’
Fiddley day I oh

(Bridges are meant to be crossed I know,
Send a postcard, will ye dear?
I’m singing a traveling song for ye,
There’s nothing left for ye here.
Shared moments are just that ye see
And nothing more they bring,
And traveling angels know the truth
As they walk wi’ us they sing, Ohhh,
Fiddley oh, fiddley oh, fiddley dee I oh,
Peace be unto you they sing
Fiddley day I oh
Fiddley oh, fiddley oh, fiddley dee I oh,
Peace be unto you I sing
Fiddley day I oh)

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