Maryhill Museum “Exquisite Connection” Project August 2020
In response to the challenges of the time, COVID-19 Global Pandemic, Racial Tensions, Riots, Black Lives Matter, and more, the museum invited artists and non-artists to create a piece to add to a collective work from all over the country. In the tradition of the “Exquisite Corpse” works of the surrealists during the Spanish Flu Pandemic, this piece is my contribution, about us being isolated and yet not alone as artists, writers and humans. We are alone… and yet never alone when we work together for best outcomes.
“She Weaves Milagros”
This piece won the People’s Choice Award in 2008, at the Allied Arts Fair, Richland, Washington. It is a composition piece, of driftwood, copper wire, and found objects. At the top of the “web” is a glass spider. It was part of an ongoing set of works exploring Milagros and Mythologies. This piece explores “Spider Woman who Weaves the World.”
“Your Dinner is Getting Cold”
This photograph is part 1 of a series representing the 4 seasons.
“Raven Woman”
This copper wire and found objects angel sculpture is an homage to Pacific Northwest Native art.
“The Palouse at 55 MPH”
This photograph was taken near Pullman Washington while driving through the Palouse Valley. It was entered into the Washington State University Chancellor’s Private Gallery show, and won acceptance into the Chancellor’s permanent collection.