What is More Important?

It’s been a long time since I blogged. Lot going on! In the world. In my life. Good stuff. Crazy stuff. Stuff. You know. The bits n’ pieces of life that don’t make the news. (Thank God! Right?)

Holidays are upon us. I just did a training for a corporate client on Holiday Stress. Ha! As if I was the expert. No one is. We just do our best. My best “advise” though is to find whatever works to not spin out of your lane during the festivity seasons. It can be hard to remember your tools when thing get wild. I know…we just bought a condo apartment, I had to buy a new car when my beloved Prius died, just wrapped up a new book (stay tuned), put 5 books up on Amazon Kindle, and busy at the office with the catastrophes of others. So ya… have to practice what I preach about stress management. But I guess what I really wanted to blog today was that as current politics have taken up a lot of emotional real estate, I found a new mantra for myself and want to share it. Try this when facing something that challenges you: WHAT IS MORE IMPORTANT? This question sifts right down, if you work it, to the basic values you want to maintain and reflect. Because THAT is what should take up your time and emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual real estate. Be that question. So, for now… ask yourself what is more important in the moment…and then breathe, do art, walk, sing, and have a great holiday season. Aloha for now, Dr. Vali

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