and so i was wading in the Pacific a few minutes ago and there were messages in blue bottles and poems in the clouds and I wondered what time it … read more…
Category Archives: poetry
anticipation, that elegant pest, opens the door and creates a test to wait in the wings while energy sings her song of distractions and laughing reactions to time’s manipulations of … read more…
I have forgotten how to run under the moon spattered forest, My foot being caught in the snare for so long. I spent too much time trying to chew off … read more…
I’ve always been walkabout! Talk about surprises! On the beach a honeybee’s wind tossed struggle to get dry footing against watery death’s pull reflected all my walkabouts. I’ve never had … read more…
#1 The noise, The noise, The melancholy white noise Write me home. #2 How can we bear the beauty of this Small fish in the reeds, Alone, for such a … read more…
I desire desire Then I desire no desire Suffering is thus. … read more…
Two thousand sea horses Rising from the sea Two thousand sea horses Staring at me Two thousand sea horses Waiting in the air Two thousand sea horses Going where? … read more…
safety security theologic philosophic erotic physical emotional cognitive technologic poetic hearts souls love presence consistency continuity continuity no loss of “services” integrated backup systems data recovery do you understand? can … read more…
Tension, a small WAR, Is best attacked with deep breaths, Holding ground for LIGHT. … read more…
When FEMA counted the spoons and did the math and wrote the check they forgot to add the losses of my last illusions as I saw others with less than … read more…