Soon Enough. Soon enough I will be something else bigger than this fragment that knows just by feet standing in the ocean that others are already the Bigger More. … read more…
Category Archives: poetry
In the middle of winter In the presence of news of devastation In the darkest of nights In the smallest of spaces In the dampest of spirits In the recognition … read more…
The difference between desire and doing Is the undoing of walls built by those who would Hold captive those who are already free Freedom is desire and hope and anticipation … read more…
The queen mOves intO the white nOise TO perceive as much as she is required tO perceive To give as well as tO receive To see all she is intended … read more…
It’s not just the nuclear holocausts that we worry about! It’s the Little Wars that wear us down, The fights and feuds, The conflicts and sorrows, Today’s and tomorrow’s Of … read more…
(Written Upon the Untimely Death of My Daughter) #4 Quantum physics cellular grieving instinctive, primal, retching and screaming. Sounds emit from my body which are organically raw, animal not civilized. … read more…
I put my roots into barren soil In summer In winter In fall In spring I clung in desperation to become the tree, to become the flowering vine, to be. … read more…
A tapped prism in sunlight doesn’t need to be more or something it isn’t as it catches beams and shoots them into rainbows with the slightest movement like when you … read more…
It is a moment to remember in the midst of swirling amnesias, the need to be loyal to myself. My allegiances have been strong, a fit soldier to the end, … read more…
Peru Earth Lima Barefoot For a minute Will help Visualize connecting to the center of The planet from your feet And to God from the top of your head Link … read more…